"Cylinder Musical Box Design And Repair" by H.A.V. Bulleid. Published in 1987 by Almar Press, Vestal, NY. Soft cover, 234 pages with numerous black-and-white photographs, charts and illuistrations. The book measures 8-1/2 inches (21.5 cm) high by 5-3/8 inches (13.5 cm) wide.
Text from the Preface by James R. Feller is as follows:
" Open the back cover of a fine watch! If you are a novice you might gaze in wonder and ask the question, is all this necessary just to keep time? If you are an amateur or hobbyist you might appreciate the fact that this mechanism could be made at all. As a technician or horologist, maybe you will look at it with full understanding of who and what brought it about and also appreciate its excellent precision and ability to keep time to a fraction of a second.
So, it is with this book. It has appeal for the novice, who may read it just because it is interesting and entertaining. The amateur or hobbyist will find new and factual material to be added to his knowledge. The technician or professional repairman will find his thinking challenged in a most rewarding way.
All who approach this book either through casual reading or careful study will come away having learned more about the wonderful world of Musical Boxes.
H.A.V. Bulleid is knowledgeable about all phases of the musical box. He has that English wit and sense of humor which gives his writing a marvelous conversational style. A considerable amount of the book consists of the Author's writings in "The Music Box", The Jopurnal of the Musical Box Society of Great Britain. Mr Bulleid has reorganized these articles, added much new material and provided all of us with an excellent new reference book on all phases of the musical box."
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